Colouring in “the black and white”

Are you familiar with the phrase “well, here’s another nice mess you’ve gotten me into?” No? possibly because the phrase is associated with a duo who have been condemned to a life of black and white.

As entertainer’s, Lauren and Hardy would have hoped that their effort and commitment to infusing amusement into their viewers would survive the test of time. But alas, as cinema moved from black and white, to technicolor and then to an array of colors, Laurel and Hardy were pushed to channels for those of the same hair color.

There seems to be a revival of black and white in photography, but there is no survival of black and white in cinema. In order to counter this, it is imperative that colour be ingrained within every frame of Laurel and Hardy’s cinematic excellence. It is time to restore the shine of the terrific two and introduce a society immersed in humourless humour to what perhaps is the best comedic acts of any era. But in order to cater to the masses, Laurel and Hardy must be visited by a pallet of colors in order to induce life into them once more, for they are as Colorful as you or I.

This post is for HP’s Take Flight with Color Contest –>  (



7 comments on “Colouring in “the black and white”

  1. sairam says:

    True. Black and white cinema is not surviving like black and white. And the reason is B&W is good in small dose. But it better be in color if it is going to be long in movie

    Good post. All the best for the contest. But I see that you have not mentioned the obligatory link to HP laserjet. You need that as in rules. Check in my post. And do tell me whether you like it.

  2. Sriram.C says:

    Revival of Black & White cinema? I’m totally upto it; let’s not say no to ‘Black & White’ for it was only they who once ruled the big screens…………….

  3. […] Source Coloring In The Dark […]

  4. […] Source Coloring In The Dark […]

  5. M.Nell says:

    The top picture, the one with the rainbow, it represents me so well… At least how I feel. I would love to make it my back round, it is truly beautiful. The brightness with the gray. I will wait until permission is granted as I hope it will be.

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